By: Daniel Burris In order to make the invisible future visible, make a list of both the Cyclical and Linear changes that have a high potential to impact both you and your customers and ask yourself, “What am I certain about?” Based on the certainties, what are the problems you are not having today, but [...]
By: Rory Vaden The point is that incredible pain is often the result of all different types of easy decisions. Therein lies The Pain Paradox. Choices that are easy in the short term yield difficult consequences in the long term. And choices that are difficult in the short term often yield favorable consequences in the [...]
By: Chip R. Bell It is the season of giving and expressions of gratitude. Customers know they are valued and important when the service they receive comes with extras and thank you’s. One Boston family adopted an Asian girl. No sooner had she arrived in the United States than the family learned that she needed [...]
By: Chip R. Bell The deep, gravelly voice of Leonard Cohen sings his hit song “Dance Me to the End of Love” to a lingering Hungarian-like melody. A single violin makes the experience haunting. The mystery of the tune matches the romance of the words. Its theme is about keeping a relationship charged with engagement [...]
Posted on June 3, 2011, 9:08 am, by admin, under
Human Relationships,
Speakers Network Worldwide.
By: Arnold Sanow Good communication is a balance of honoring your own needs as well as the needs of others. Building and maintaining positive connections means getting to the heart of what people want and need, as represented by the acronym HEART. These qualities help to cultivate respect, and build positive and productive relationships by [...]