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Dave Balch
Featured in The Wall Street Journal, this cancer caregiver shares what he learned about coping with, and surmounting, life's challeges.
About Dave Balch:

Dave Balch cared for his wife during four bouts with breast cancer. 
Now he's sharing what he learned about coping with personal challenges.

Featured in The Wall Street Journal

Humorous, poignant stories plus powerful and inspiring videos from their experience
leave a lasting impression for long-term retention of key points.

Dave's story resonates with healthcare and corporate audiences alike, as the lessons he shares apply to most of life's challenges, not just cancer.

Healthcare audiences (whether or not in direct patient contact):

  • easily translate the cancer experience to many different illnesses
  • gain a new perspective on the patient experience, resulting in
    • better understanding
    • more compassion
    • improved patient care
  • learn coping skills they can share with patients who need them
  • learn coping skills they can use to deal with their own challenges
  • gain new appreciation for why they do what they do
  • earn 1 unit of CE credit (for appropriate professional staff)

Corporate audiences:

  • easily relate the cancer experience to other challenges in their own lives or the lives of friends and family
  • learn general coping skills they can use to deal with their own challenges, which will:
    • lower stress levels 
    • allow them to remain more productive
    • reduce "down time"

Dave supported his wife through four successful bouts with breast cancer, going with her to over 250 medical appointments and caring for her during six surgeries, two rounds of chemotherapy, and three rounds of radiation treatments. He did everything from bathing her to making her meals to changing her surgical dressings, all while maintaining his home software business and taking care of a ranch, two horses, two cats, two dogs, and a really mean parrot.

(She's doing fine now, and Dave takes all the credit!)

Most importantly, he and his wife both kept their sense of humor through it all (well, most of it) as they laughed and ate their way through the entire ordeal. Together.

Dave says that this experience, although difficult, was the most rewarding and fulfilling of his life. And, as a professional communicator, he is in the perfect position to help others. He has a unique, inspiring, and loving story to share, coupled with the experience, desire, and ability to share it.

Summary of Accomplishments: 

  • Featured in The Wall Street Journal 
  • Author, Cancer for Two: An Inspiring True Story and Guide for Cancer Patients and Their Partners, approved by:
    • The Susan G. Komen Foundation
    • The Wellness Community 
  • Founder, The Patient/Partner Project
  • Has been sponsored by a major pharmaceutical company that:
    • purchased 35,000 copies of Cancer for Two
    • sent him to 41 programs in 19 states in 2007 alone!
  • Contributing author, Coping with Cancer magazine

In his “previous life,” Dave spent over 30 years as an IT (Information Technology) professional in capacities as programmer, project manager, database administrator, and consultant.  In 1982 he developed a software tool for database administrators and programmers, which he sold into the corporate market from his home business for over 20 years.

Travels from :
Main Topics :
Cancer, Stress, Attitude, Productivity
Specialties :
Computers, Information Services
Fee(s) :
$2,500 - $5,000

2nd program same day : $2,500.00

2nd program same day (local) : $1,250.00

Full fee : $5,000.00

Full fee (local;w/in 100 miles of home) : $2,500.00

Multimedia Samples :
Awards :