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Teresa Gay
Wardrobe therapist working with organizations to revive their style
About Teresa Gay:

Teresa Gay is recognized personal stylist and speaker. A San Francisco-based, self-proclaimed wardrobe therapist, Teresa helps individuals and organizations recognize the importance of developing the right image through style and dress.

Teresa has extensive experience in clothing fit and design. Her background as a women’s clothing boutique owner and buyer of ready-to-wear fashion provides her with the ability to help individuals develop their wardrobes and image to achieve their personal & professional development goals. With her deep knowledge of fashion and style, Teresa is able to guide her clients in what styles and colors work right for their personality. Teresa expertly fine-tunes wardrobes to make the daunting task of getting dressed in the morning a stress-free experience. Teresa has developed a thorough resource network and continuously researches the latest trends.

A graduate of San Francisco State University with a degree in international Marketing, Teresa started reviving wardrobes in 2005 after several years in retail and corporate marketing. She is actively involved in the small business community and currently serves as the co-President of the Noe Valley Merchants & Professionals Association in San Francisco.

A member of AICI (Association of Image Consultants International), Teresa has been featured in various publications including the Chicago Sun-Times, 7x7, Paper City, Daily Candy and the Wall Street Journal. She currently styles the host, Leslie Sbrocco for the KQED show, Check, Please! Bay Area.

Armed with a unique and often humorous perspective on style as well as entrepreneurship, Teresa brings her experiences as a corporate marketer, women's clothing boutique owner and personal image consultant to her inspiring workshops and speeches.

Travels from :
Main Topics :
Image/Self-Esteem, Retail/Restaurant, Leadership, Consumer Trends, Branding
Specialties :
Marketing, Corporate
Fee(s) :
$750 - $5,000
Awards :
member of TOAST